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Department of Spatial Planning


Research Project: Freight-shopping nexus in urban outskirts and beyond (FRESH)

© Jürgen Brunsing​/​TU Dortmund

In the research project FRESH, a team of scientists from Paris, Trondheim, and Dortmund are working together to find ways of reducing motorized individual and delivery traffic for shopping purposes.

Project Duration: 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2026

In the research project FRESH, a team of scientists from Paris, Trondheim, and Dortmund are working together to find ways of reducing motorized individual and delivery traffic for shopping purposes. The project examines individual shopping and mobility behaviors, explores potential options for sustainable urban logistics solutions, and models the effects of new urban logistics strategies. Freight and individual traffic are considered together in this research project. With the expertise of the three participating universities and the respective city administrations, potential options for policy and urban planning are being developed collaboratively.

See the Research tab for more information.